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Shinhoo Unveils Exciting New Products at the 135th Canton Fair

Apr 17, 2024

Shinhoo cordially invites all friends, partners, and industry stakeholders to join them at the Canton Fair and witness the unveiling of their new products. 


Shinhoo's exhibition booth at Hall 20.2, booths F37-38 and G11-12, is where you need to be.


Explore the possibilities, gain valuable insights, and forge lasting connections with the industry's finest.

Shinhoo at Hall 20.2 F37-38 G11-12 on Canton Fair

Последние новости
Opening of the First Anhui Shinhoo Employee Basketball Tournament

Opening of the First Anhui Shinhoo Employee Basketball Tournament

Shinhoo firmly believes that building a strong company culture is the driving force behind its success. By promoting teamwork, health, and camaraderie, the company aims to provide an environment where its employees can thrive both professionally and personally.   Anhui Shinhoo Staff Basketball Tournament exemplifies the company's commitment to nurturing a positive workplace atmosphere. Bringing together employees from different departments and positions onto the basketball court not only encourages physical activity but also fosters a sense of unity and teamwork.   The tournament serves as a platform for employees to demonstrate their skills, compete in a friendly and competitive environment, and build lasting relationships with colleagues. At Shinhoo Corporation, we understand the importance of a strong bond between team members, which directly translates to enhanced collaboration and productivity in the workplace.  

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Пн, 21.11 — Ср, 23.11: 9:00 — 20:00
Чт, 24.11: выходной — С Днем Благодарения!
Пт, 25 ноября: 8:00–22:00
Сб, 26 ноября — вс, 27 ноября: 10:00–21:00
(все часы — восточное время)


